Prototype Abduction Tour Upcoming Events ....Embrace The Martians!!!!

Chenga 2
14700 Snow Road
Brookpark, OH 44142
Phone: 216-433-7588

Chenga 57
2224 Fairless Dr.
Lorain, OH 44055
Phone: 440-240-7588
Martian Movement
“The Prototype Abduction” Tour
An Out of This World Experience!
Free In-Store/Free Outdoor Skatepark Locations
Social Event 6pm-9pm/10pm
Indoor Skatepark Locations
(Will need ticket and release form for indoor skatepark events)
5:30pm to 12:00am
Scouting Session Starts at 6pm-9pm
Social Event 9pm-12am
“The Prototype Abduction” presented by Martian Movement, and other sponsors. This Event will be featuring a promotional scouting event for upcoming action sports athletes to be featured in a national promotional campaign for Martian Movement Co.
All participants must bring a video on jumpdrive, dvd, or cd of them doing one of the following sports for submission at in-store locations. There will also be a demo session in all outdoor and indoor skatepark outlets where we will watch and scout potential athletes directly at the venue. The indoor skatepark events will also be a social event with food, product giveaways, and DJ's playing live music.
See for details on event dates and locations.
Don't miss out on your chance to join the Martian Movement!
Follow the martians on twitter at
Promotional Video Link: